Mike Echevarria and Sherri Sutton dedicated many years to training in and working with Appreciative Inquiry. They are so dedicated to the work, they started a company to bring it into other companies! With AI, companies can see the positive impact they can have with their employees and in their communities using this whole-system change methodology.
As they continued to see the power of Appreciative Inquiry and witness the profound changes it had in business, communities, cities, industries, and states, Mike decided they must find a way to bring it to Tampa. Mike said a city as great as Tampa could teach other cities what happens when you intentionally bring the right people together for the right reasons.
They hired leading experts Dr. David Cooperrider, Dr. Lindsey Godwin, and Prudence Sullivan to lead this journey and to discover what happens when you highlight and build on the best of an AMAZING city with unlimited potential. They like to call it Community Innovation!