We are so pleased to announce that The Honorable EJ Salcines will be this year’s speaker at our Annual Christmas Fundraising Dinner. EJ has been a great friend to the Franciscan Center, our sisters as well as to our benefactor Joseph E Miyares. Here are the event details:
A Christmas Fundraiser Dinner with the Honorable E.J. Salcines
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Cocktails at 5:30pm
Dinner and Program 6:00-9:30pm Tampa Garden Club
Last year we had a fantastic inaugural Christmas Fundraiser event with Bishop John Stowe, O.F.M. Conv., of the Diocese of Lexington in Kentucky and Orlando Police Officer, Adam Gruler, who was on duty at the Pulse Night Club; as a result of witnessing the shootings that night, Adam attended the Post Trauma Training at the Franciscan Center.
This year we are also blessed to be celebrating 48 years in the Tampa Bay area and much of this is owed to Joseph E Miyares. Joseph was a dear friend of the Sisters and a Tampa Attorney. He gifted his estate to Reverend Mother Joan Marie Wheeler, OSF in 1958. The Franciscan Center opened in October of 1970 under the Direction of Mother Lucian Walsh, OSF, and became the first spiritual center owned and operated by the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, N.Y.
Your support is so important to our on-going operations. We rely on donations to keep our facility updated, the grounds maintained, and the cost of programming down. Since 1970 thousands of people, including Religious, Interfaith groups, and first responders have come to this sanctuary for Post Trauma Trainings, group retreats, spiritual direction and hospitality.
Please join us and make this year’s event amazing! In appreciation of your anticipated sponsorship, we would like to offer you our sincere thanks! Our sponsorship information is attached, along with a return envelope for your donation. Or simply go online and select your sponsorship. https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/FranciscanCenter_1/ChristmasFundraiser.html
All of us at the Franciscan Center thank you for your generous support!
Any questions please call Sharon at (318)229-2695.
A Christmas Fundraiser Dinner to Benefit The Franciscan Center Sponsorship Opportunities: Make an impact and receive outstanding presence through our event!
PRESENTING SPONSOR: St Francis of Assisi Sponsor: $10,000 “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” - St Francis of Assisi
Two tables (16 tickets) with top choice of seating
Top Billing on all promotional materials, social media, and program
Full page ad in the event program
Special Announcement as PRESENTING SPONSOR at the start of dinner
Prominent Billing on all promotional materials, social media, and program
1/2-page ad in the event program and recognition as a Sponsor at dinner
St Elizabeth Sponsor: $2,000 “What a mighty spiritual force they would be in the life of the nation of which they are a part.” Biblical reference for St Elizabeth, Cousin of Mary.
One Table (8 tickets)
Company name/ logo promotional materials, social media, and program
Recognition in the program as a Sponsor
Advertising Sponsor levels A Christmas Tradition: $1000 Your sponsorship pays for photography, music and floral décor for the event.
Two tickets
Company name/ logo recognition at event and in program
Light the Way: $500 Your sponsorship pays for lighting and AV rental for the event. Recognition on all marketing materials, social media, and program
Company name/ logo recognition at event and in program
Yuletide Cheer: $350 Your sponsorship pays for hors d'oeuvre for the event.
Company name/ logo recognition at event and in program
A general ticket is $150. $30 dollars of the ticket sale is non-taxable.
Please primt this out and return this portion with a check or credit card information. You can access the form on online. Or call the Center (813)229-2695 Name /Company Name: ____________________________________________Sponsorship Level: $____________Ticket $ _______ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone number: _______________________________Email: __________________________________________ ?Enclosed is my check made payable to The Franciscan Center. PLEASE CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD: ?Visa ?MasterCard ?American Express ?Discover Account Number:_________________________ Expiration Date: __________Security Code______ (3-4 digit # on back of credit card) Signature here: __________________________________ Date: ____________________